Thursday, October 25, 2012


Tomorrow (Friday, October 26th) we will head outside at 10:30 and spend the day in Hubbard Park. Unless you have indicated that you always want school lunch on ECO days, please remember to pack hearty snacks and a lunch. Remember to also send your child with a water bottle.

Please send your child in clothing that will keep him/her comfortable all day long. This includes: comfortable, sturdy walking shoes with (preferably wool) socks, long pants, and a warm jacket. Rain and snow pants can make sitting on the damp ground more enjoyable for some; your child can always leave them in his/her bag if not needed.

Friday, October 19, 2012

Field Trip to the Vermont History Museum

On Thursday, October 25 we will walk to the Vermont History Museum to enrich our understanding of Abenaki culture before European contact.  We will sit inside a wigwam, see and touch artifacts, and learn about Abenaki daily life.  We will head out around 11:55 (after lunch) and return before 1:30 (in time for FIT).

Chaperones are welcome to join us, the more the merrier.  Please let me know if you are able to accompany us by emailing me at or calling me at 225-8238.  I hope you can join us!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A Note From School


Now that the morning weather is quite cold, our school's main location for Lost and Found items has grown exponentially. Our school's main Lost and Found area is at the top left side of the auditorium. Classrooms may also have their own Lost and Found bins. Please encourage your child(ren) to stop to find any lost item anytime between now and Wed. Oct 17. Then, on the days of Parent/Teacher/Student Conferences we will move the items out in the main lobby/ foyer in order that parents may also assist in finding items. Items range from lunch boxes, plastic-ware, water bottles, shirts, sweaters, fleeces, hats, gloves, scarves, boots and coats. Any recently found items will be separated from the items that have been accumulating since the beginning of the school year. Any of these older items that are not claimed will be bagged up and sent to various local agencies on Oct. 26th.
Thanks so much for your help!

ECO Friday

We will head outdoors on Friday after lunch for ECO.  We will leave school around 12 noon, and should return around 2pm.  We will focus on sensory awareness, journal writing, and Abenaki culture.

Please send your child to school prepared for any kind of weather.  Last time, many kids were cold in the woods.  Warm woolen layers that can be removed when active are best.


Monday, October 1, 2012


We will take NECAPs this week.  Here are a few tips to help your child feel relaxed and ready.  Your child can:
  • Get plenty of exercise.
  • Eat well.
  • Be well-rested.
  • Bring lots of extra snacks to school for extra brain power.
  • Wear comfortable clothing and shoes for movement breaks at school.
  • Practice yoga breathing and stretches that we've learned at school.
  • Remember to have fun outside!
Please send your child with some favorite books to read during down-time.  Thanks!

Reading Logs

Hello Families!

I did not send home reading logs on Friday.  We were running late packing up to leave after an all-school assembly regarding the Parent's Group Fundraiser and did not have time to pass out mail before dismissal.  Reading logs this week will just be Monday-Thursday.  Thanks!