Tuesday, December 17, 2013


We are in for a busy day tomorrow!  We are raising money for the Boston field trip, and raising awareness about empathy.  Kids have been preparing for this day for some time now.  Here is a schedule of tomorrow's events:

8:00 School opens.  Students can bring baked goods and crafts to the classroom.
8:10 Rehearsal for assembly.  Students meet outside auditorium (by main entrance) for one last rehearsal.
8:20 Get ready for assembly.
8:30 K-2 Assembly
8:50-9:35 PE
9:40-11:50 Craft and Bake Sale
11:50-12:35 Recess and Lunch
12:40-1:45 Craft and Bake Sale
1:45-1:50 Clean Up
2:00 3-5 Assembly
2:30 Clean Up/ Pack Up

Parent volunteers are encouraged to join for any part of the day as they are able.  Thank you for your support!

Monday, December 16, 2013

The Week Ahead

This week will be filled with so many activities!  Because this is such a busy week, we will not have spelling.

Monday:  Among other things, we will begin typing essays on human body systems and also learn about puberty with Nurse Trees-ah.

Tuesday:  Some things that we will do are rehearse on the stage for Wednesday's assembly, have literature circles, and finish the puberty unit.

Wednesday:  We host two assemblies (8:30-8:50, 2-2:20) in the auditorium.  Please come if you are able.  Also, we have a big fundraiser for the Boston trip.  Please contribute baked goods if you are able!

Thursday:  The Green Mountain Youth Symphony Orchestra will play a concert for us.  We will also work on our human body essays.

Friday:  On our last day before vacation we will complete our essays.  We will also have our 1000 HOOT celebration.  Students chose their reward, and voted to have a dance party in the afternoon.  Any snack donations for the event are welcomed.

It will be a busy, fun, and educational week!

Thursday, December 12, 2013

ECO 12/13/13 Cancelled

Due to subzero temperatures projected for tomorrow, ECO is cancelled.

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Weekly Update

Here is an update on what we've been working on this week!

In science, the class learned about cells this week.  They learned about plant cells, animal cells, used microscopes to view cells, and created models of cells with Mrs. Adams.

In math we are wrapping up our multi-digit multiplication and division unit.  We are focusing on efficient and accurate strategies.

On Tuesday, information about the upcoming puberty unit went home.  Today kids completed short baseline questionnaires that will help us and the nurse adjust the puberty curriculum to best fit their needs.  Remember that you can come to the school library on Wednesday, December 11 at 6:30pm to view the videos that boys and girls will watch.

In literacy, we are nearing the end of our literature circle texts.  Ask your child about what he/she is reading.

We will end the week tomorrow with a little crafting time to prepare for our craft sale on December 18th.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

A Busy Week Concluding With ECO

We have had a very busy week so far.  Our class learned about the circulatory system with Mrs. Parker, and even got to see (and touch with gloves!) a fresh deer heart.  In literacy, we met consistently with our literature circle groups.  Ask your child about the book he/she is reading and discussing.  In math, we shifted our focus from multiplication to its inverse operation, division.  Ask your child about dividends, divisors, and quotients.

We are concluding our busy week with ECO tomorrow.  We will learn how to read and write field guide entries.  Please send your child prepared with a hat, gloves, snowpants, a winter coat, wool socks, and base layers.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Next Fundraiser for Boston Field Trip

On December 18, 2013 during the school day, we will host a bake and craft sale in order to raise funds for the Boston Trip.  All the money we make will be split evenly among our class.

Students have been learning about the conventions of business letter writing, and are in the process of editing letters to mail to local businesses in order to ask for donations.

One student has written a letter to families, and it will go home this week.  For now, please save the date, and we hope that you can help out!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Human Body Systems

The fifth grade is learning about systems in the human body.  Last week, our class learned about the Respiratory System.  Ask your child about parts, functions, and dangers to the Respiratory System.  This week, our class is learning about the Digestive System with Mrs. Kelley.  In the next few weeks, they will learn about the Cardiovascular System with Mrs. Parker, and about Cells with Mrs. Adams.  After all classes have cycled through, they will synthesize and integrate the information back in our regular classrooms.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Thanksgiving Lunch Deadline

Families must make reservations for the Thanksgiving Lunch by tomorrow, November 8 if you are planning on eating lunch with your child.  If you do NOT return the form, you are still very welcome to sit and spend time with us, though you will be unable to participate in eating the Thanksgiving meal or pie.  The Thanksgiving Lunch is on Wednesday, November 20th.

Hope you can make it!

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

New Dismissal Times: Beginning This Friday

Starting this Friday, November 8th, students being picked up by bus will load the buses at 2:40, and walkers, students being picked up by car, and students attending Community Connections will be dismissed at 2:45.

What does the new dismissal time mean for you and your child?  If your child rides the bus, he/ she will board 5 minutes earlier than before.  If you pick up your child by car, there is no change.  If your child is a walker or attends Community Connections, he/ she will go 5 minutes earlier.

If you pick up your child at school, please be here by 2:45 to pick him/ her up.  Let me know if you have any questions or concerns.  Thanks!

Friday, November 1, 2013

Picture Day Make-Ups

Are you unhappy with how your child's school photo came out this year?  Picture re-take day is coming up to rectify if needed.  Next week on Thursday, November 7, students will have the opportunity to re-take school photos.  Please contact the main office with questions (225-8205).

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Thanksgiving Lunch Information

Information about the Thanksgiving Lunch will go home this week.  For those of you who have not participated in the Thanksgiving Lunch before, families are invited to join their children for lunch and pie.  We enjoy lunch together in our classroom.  It's a lot of fun, and I hope to see all families there.

The Thanksgiving Lunch will be on Wednesday, November 20.  Fifth graders will have recess from 11:50 to 12:10, then lunch from 12:10 to 12:40 (though lunch generally runs later on this day).  Please mark the date and time on your calendars.  Information on how to RSVP will come home this week.

Friday, October 25, 2013

A Busy Week!

This week was very packed!  We finished the first math unit, we filmed bullying videos for the assembly, we engaged in literature circles, we read and discussed current events, we typed on our Digital Classroom site, and we finished the week with ECO in which we reviewed the themes of geography and went deeper with the theme of human-environment interaction.  Many students, however, came unprepared for ECO and, as a result, we uncomfortably cold.  We ended up having to come back to school earlier than planned.  Ask your child about our busy week!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Bullying Awareness in Current Events: Please Read

As you know, our class is studying current events and bullying prevention.  Recently, bullying has been saturating the news because of events in Florida.  Today's CNN Student News talks about the charges filed against the two girls who cyber bullied Rebecca Sedwick.  On Monday we will watch today's (Thursday, October 17) CNN Student News which includes information about this situation.  Please feel free to pre-watch it by going to cnnstudentnews.com.  We will follow up with discussions with our school counselor.  If you are uncomfortable with your child watching the video or would like to discuss this, please contact me at wendym@mpsvt.org or Shannon Baker at shannonb@mpsvt.org.

Thank you,


Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Bullying Prevention Assemblies

Our class is planning the October assemblies for our school.  The theme that we will explore is bullying prevention.  Our class is working on researching, writing, and acting to teach others about bullying.  We will lead an assembly for K-2 at 8:30am on the Wednesday, October 23rd, and for grades 3-5 at 2:00pm later that day.  Families are welcome to come and participate!

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

NECAP Update and ECO This Week

Students worked hard on NECAPs yesterday, completing 2/3 of the Reading test.  Today we will finish the Reading portion and begin Math.  Tomorrow (Thursday) we will finish the Math portion.  Next week 5th Graders will take the Writing NECAPs on Wednesday and Thursday mornings.

We will have a nice break from NECAPs on Friday.  On that day we have ECO, so please remember to send your child prepared for the weather, and to pack a lunch unless he/she is getting school lunch.  PLEASE NOTE:  Students that require NECAP make-up sessions will remain at school for testing and will be unable to attend ECO this week.

Friday, October 4, 2013

Christopher Columbus, A Critical Analysis

We have been learning about Christopher Columbus in our classroom.  We read Where the Wild Things Are by Maurice Sendek with our first grade buddies and explored point of view.  We looked at different points of view regarding his arrival in Cuba and Hispaniola (now Haiti and Dominican Republic) by reading, comparing, and contrasting Encounter by Jane Yolen and Follow the Dream The Story of Christopher Columbus by Peter Sis.  We also read from Where do you Think You're Going, Christopher Columbus? by Jean Fritz for more background information.  In addition, we read primary and secondary historical documents to analyze the treatment of the native people.  We will conclude our study with a trial for the mass genocide of the native people.  Ask your child about this mini-unit.  Who is to blame and why?

Thursday, September 26, 2013


Please come to Open House tonight between 6:15 and 7:15 to see what your child is learning about.  Bring the whole family!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Reminder About Important Upcoming Events

Tomorrow (Thursday) is picture day!  Our class is scheduled to have out pictures taken last at 2:15.

Open House is also tomorrow!  Please come by with the whole family to the school between 6:15 and 7:15 tomorrow evening to check out what we are learning about!

Friday will be our second ECO day of the year.  Don't forget to come prepared with warm, comfortable layers, sturdy shoes, and a lunch (lunch may be from school).

Yankee Candle Fundraiser ends on Monday, September 30th.  Don't miss this opportunity to raise money for the Boston Field trip.

Friday, September 20, 2013

Open House

From Chris Hennessy, our principal:

Open House for grades 1 to 5 will be on the evening of Thursday, September 26 from 6:15 to 7:15.  This is not to be confused with last year’s “Parent Information Night,” an event which we no longer need to have.  Our Open House will be an opportunity for families to join their children in classrooms and share their work with each other.  Families will also have an opportunity to join their children in their Integrated Arts classes and meet Counselors and Special Educators throughout the evening.  The evening will officially begin at 6:15, but families are welcome to come and go at any time within the 6:15 to 7:15 hour.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Geography Unit and What in the World Wednesdays

We began a unit on geography yesterday with an overview of why it is important to study geography and what the five themes of geography consist of (location, place, human environment interaction, movement, regions).  Today we will learn about latitude and longitude.

Also, we began "What in the World" Wednesdays this week, a practice that we will maintain throughout the year.  Every Wednesday we will watch CNN student news and discuss what is going on in the United States and throughout the world in current events.  You can check out CNN student news by using this link: http://www.cnn.com/studentnews/.  Other sources that we will use for news this year include ourlittleearth.com and http://america.aljazeera.com/.

Monday, September 16, 2013

Yankee Candle Fundraiser

Today we began the first fundraiser of many for the end of 5th grade Boston trip!  The cost per child and guardian for the trip totals $170, and you may choose to pay or fundraise your way to Boston.  Remember that Yankee Candles make great gifts!  Please let me know if you have any questions about the fundraiser.

Wednesday, September 11, 2013


I am very excited to start another year of ECO (Educating Children Outdoors)!  We will head out this Friday and every 2nd and 4th Friday throughout the year.  Please send your child to school prepared for whatever weather might come our way.  Parent volunteers are always wanted and welcome.  Come along for part or all of a day.

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Study Hall

Today we resumed the practice of providing Study Hall at the end of the day for those kids who need to complete schoolwork or homework, and rewarding those kids who are caught up on work with an extra recess.  Please let me know if you have any questions about Study Hall!

Friday, September 6, 2013

Cellos, Violas, and Trumpets, Oh My!

Today 4th and 5th graders welcomed musicians from Montpelier High School for a demonstration of band and orchestra instruments.  Please have your child return the instrument form by Monday (Tuesday at the latest) if he/she is interested in joining band or orchestra.  If you are unable to afford an instrument rental, the school does have some available for loan.  Contact Hilary Goldblatt for more information at HilaryO@mpsvt.org.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Classwork, Group Work Skills, and Working Toward Success

This week we are reading, writing, having math time, and starting a social studies unit.  In addition, we created guidelines for successful group work, are practicing those skills during academic times, and reflecting on how we can improve our group work skills.  We spent time talking about success, and are reading Inch and Miles The Journey to Success by Coach John Wooden.  We are reading and discussing the necessary building blocks for success.  So far, we have discussed hard work, enthusiasm, friendship, and loyalty.

Friday, August 30, 2013

Another Busy Day

The first week of school flew by!  Today we continued math, reading, and writing.  We also established expectations for group work and for taking care of the classroom.  Ask your child about the math game we played today, about Cinquain poetry, and the time we spent with our first grade buddies.

The Wise Owl: Read All About UES!

Our school's website features a blog updated daily by our principal, Chris Hennessy.  Please check it out to find out what's going on throughout the school.  You can find the link on our school website or go directly to http://ueswiseowl.blogspot.com/.

Band and Orchestra

As a fifth grader, your child has the chance to play in the orchestra and band.  Next Wednesday (9/4) we will see a demonstration of the various instruments your child can choose from.  Information about instrument rentals and joining band or orchestra will go home on that day.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Day Two

Today we explored math materials, defined poetry, read and wrote poems, played "Smaug's Jewels, created classroom jobs, and had a visit from our principal Mr. Hennessy.  Ask your child about reflective symmetry, rotational symmetry, diamante poems, and about those who shared what was in their sacks.

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

First Day!

We had a great first day back!  We spent time becoming reacquainted with the school, friends, teachers, and routines.  We also spent time writing and reading to get back into academic routines.  Ask your child about lunch groups, games we played, and about his or her first fifth grade homework assignment.  It was a long and exciting day.  I think that we will all sleep well tonight!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Welcome Back!

The classroom has been spruced up, I have been planning and planning, and I am ready for a new school year!  I am very excited to see everyone on Wednesday for the first day of school.  Look for the sign that says "Wendy" on the upper playground when the bell rings in a new year.  Please pack a snack and bring a water bottle to help fuel you throughout the day.  See you soon!

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Last Day of School and Summer Skills

Dear Families,

It's hard to believe that it's already the last day of school.  The year has flown by, and the students have all grown so much this year!  To help keep their brains growing this summer, I encourage students to challenge themselves.  Here are a few suggestions how:

The Sumdog website (www.sumdog.com) is a fun and simple way to practice math.  Kids can choose one skill to focus on (for example multiplication), or work on a range of skills.  Though the problems they will be presented with do not require many steps or deeper thinking, they are timed and push kids to work quickly and accurately.  With addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, it's important to be fluent with facts.

A student in our class recently showed me another website for practicing skills that also brings rice donations to help alleviate world hunger (freerice.com).  This site explores many subject areas, so you can choose what your child needs to work on, or just what he/she is interested in testing knowledge about.  Correct answers result in rice donations, and incorrect answers are taught to the game player.

Yesterday students took notes on book presentations given by other 4th graders to get ideas for books to read this summer.  One of the best ways to support your child this summer is to encourage him/her to read!  Read together, create a book discussion group, or bring your child to the library.

Those are just a few ideas.  Remember, the more fun you can make learning, the more your child will want to do.  You can study maps on road trips, cook together to have your child work with fractions and measurements, and visit enriching museums.  If you have questions about how to support your child's learning this summer, don't hesitate to email me at WendyM@mpsvt.org.  Though I may not check my email daily over the summer, I will get back to you within a few days.

Thank you for a wonderful school year.  I look forward to working with all of you again next year.


Wendy McGuiggan
4th/5th Grade Teacher

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Rain Date for Field Day

Because of the wet weather we will hold field day on Monday, June 17 in Hubbard Park.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Chaperones Wanted!

Our class would love to have more chaperones on upcoming field trips!  If you are able, please let me know if you can join us on any upcoming trips.  We have very few volunteers right now, and while I know not everyone can dedicate the time, please consider doing so if you are able.  Please look at the important dates list to the right of this post for field trip dates.

Thank you for your support!

-Wendy McGuiggan

Saturday, May 18, 2013

Endangered Species Day: A SUCCESS!

Our assembly, fundraiser, and flash mob were all successful.  Thank you to the students for their hard work, parents for their support, and Mrs. Kane, Miss Closter, and MJ for integrating this project into their curriculum.

Check out today's Times Argus to see our class on the front page with Miss Closter's kindergartners! 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Endangered Animal Day TOMORROW

Hello Parents!

We are just about ready for tomorrow's activities.

We will be running the all-school assembly on the upper playground from 8:30-8:50.

The bake sale and craft fair will be in our classroom from 9-11 (set-up starts at 8).

One glitch in the plan is that so far, I have been unable to find battery-operated speakers to use for the flash mob (planned for about 12:30 on the State House lawn).  If you have speakers that we can use with an iPhone, please let me know.

The kids have worked extremely hard, and tomorrow's culmination will be very exciting!

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

A Message from MIT about SCRATCH

Scratch Day 2013

Do you know a kid who's excited about learning to program, or wants to meet others who do it?  Then bring a laptop and come explore Scratch, a fun, playful programming language designed for beginners.  Montpelier's Scratch Day meetup will offer activities, demonstrations, and suggestions for projects to get kids coding fast in this colorful drag-and-drop environment created at MIT's media lab. Again, note that we are NOT providing computers!

Join us for this informal hands-on workshop on Saturday, May 18 from 3-5 PM at Local 64.  For questions or to let us know you're coming, e-mail julie.robichaux@comcast.net.  For more information about worldwide Scratch Day, visit day.scratch.mit.edu.


Our class has worked hard to get ready for Endangered Species Day this Friday.  Though originally an ECO date, we are cancelling ECO in order to make way for our activities.  Families are encouraged to come if able.

8:00-8:20 Set up for bake sale in classroom.  Volunteers are VERY welcome to come help out.  We may also need help setting up for the assembly.

8:30-8:50 Assembly on Upper Playground.  Students in our class have planned and will lead the monthly school assembly.  The theme is centered on endangered animals.

9:00-11:00 Fundraiser in classroom.  We will sell baked goods, crafts, and jewelry to raise money for the World Wildlife Fund.

11:00-11:10 Clean up

11:10-11:50 Recess/ Lunch

12:10 Go to State House for Flash Mob (to the tune of "Help" by the Beatles) to raise awareness and money for Endangered animals.

If you are able to come help out at any time during the day, or able to contribute to the bake/ craft sale, we really appreciate it.  Every little bit helps.


Monday, May 6, 2013

Important Dates

Please take a look at the important dates listed on the right-hand sidebar.  Next week we have Science NECAPs in the afternoon, and we will also promote awareness for endangered animals on the 17th.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Endangered Animals: Project Update

Our class is learning about endangered animals and have finished conducting research using internet and text sources. Students are working on report writing now.  Soon, we will also write persuasive opinion pieces to submit to newspapers, politicians, and members of the UES community.

In addition to writing, we are also planning some events to spread awareness and raise money for the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).  On Friday, May 17 we will celebrate Endangered Species Day by holding an all-school assembly from 8:30-8:50am.  Families are encouraged to attend if able.  After the assembly we will host a craft/ bake sale to raise money for WWF.  Please let me know if you are able/willing to volunteer.  Later in the day, we will go out into the community to spread awareness with a flash mob.  These three activities were chosen by and are being planned by our class.  More information will come home as the date approaches.

Not only are we working on this project in our class, we are also collaborating with our Interactive Arts teachers to integrate this project in multiple areas.  Students will make Andy Warhol inspired animal prints to sell at the craft fair in Art class.  They will extend what they learned in the PE dance unit to choreograph and practice a dance for the flash mob during PE time, and they conducted book research during Library class.

The students are excited, engaged in deep thinking and problem-solving, and are working to make change.  What a wonderful class!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Endangered Species Project

Students in our class are VERY interested in helping endangered animals, and we have begun a research project to make a difference based on their enthusiam.  Each student is becoming an expert on a particular animal and writing an informational essay about the animal, the threats to the population, and steps to take to preserve and increase the population.  Also, students will learn about persuasive, or opinion, writing and compose persuasive letters to newspapers, lawmakers, students, and parents to convince others to support conservation efforts.


Hello families,

We will cancel ECO this Friday due to a few changes in the day's schedule.  We will have an assembly in the morning (8:30) on the topic of "Peace" and another at 1:30 with special guests Dave Keller and Johnny Rawls for a music celebration.  Also, we will be working on our endangered animal research and persuasive writing pieces.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013


The bi-annual Scholastic Book Fair is tomorrow!  Our class will visit the book fair at noon tomorrow.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns about the book fair.

-wendym@mpsvt.org or 225-8238

Monday, April 1, 2013

World Autism Awareness Day- April 2

Tomorrow is World Autism Awareness Day.  A parent in our class informed me about the day, and ways to participate.  Your child can also participate by wearing blue.  As a class, we will learn a bit about autism spectrum disorder tomorrow.  Here is a website with more information for you:


Please let me know if you have any questions.


It has been a while since our class has spent the day in Hubbard Park learning together. This Friday, April 5, we will head out together around 10:30 and return to school before 2:30. We will have lunch in Hubbard Park. Although Spring is here, please send your child dressed for an outdoor day on Friday. The ground is very damp and has patches of snow, ice, and mud. Rain pants, a rain jacket, boots, a hat, and extra layers are highly recommended.

A lunch form will go home today with your child.  Please return it tomorrow.  


Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Character Analysis-Painted Essays

Students in our class are working hard typing essays that explore how main characters grow and change throughout a story.  Your child is learning how to find evidence to support an idea, and how to cite that evidence by quoting and paraphrasing textual evidence.  At the same time, we are learning important keyboarding skills.  We will continue to work on typing, editing, and revising our Painted Essays over the next few weeks.  Here is a link to the Vermont Writing Collaborative for more information on the Painted Essay:  http://vermontwritingcollaborative.org/Essay.html

Parent-Student-Teacher Conferences on March 22

It's that time of year again!  I sent home forms for you to indicate the best times for us to meet.  Students will once again, lead conferences with their parents and myself to reflect on and highlight their strengths and challenges here at school.  Please return forms as soon as possible.  Thank you!

Friday, March 8, 2013

Pictures from "Gluskabe and Old Man Winter"

Gluskabe and Grandmother Woodchuck in front of Old Man Winter's Wigwam
 Thank you for sending in photos of our play!
Entire cast about to sing their original song "Pushing Up the Sky" written with Paul Boffa.

Summerland people with their crow guards

Gluskabe and Old Man Winter

The sun thaws a frozen Gluskabe

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Play 3/7/13

Tomorrow we will perform Gluskabe and Old Man Winter on the UES stage at 9:15 and 1:50.  Families are welcome to attend.  We hope to see you there!

Thursday, February 21, 2013


We will not have ECO on March 8 because we will see a puppet show that will be coming to our school.  Thank you for your understanding!

Gluskabe and Old Man Winter: March 7

Our class will be performing the story of "Gluskabe and Old Man Winter" on our stage Thursday, March 7.  Come see our portrayal of the Abenaki folk tale that explains how the seasons came to be!  We will have a morning and an afternoon performance, times yet to be determined.  Save the date!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Target Unveiling Ceremony

Our class has worked for weeks on snowball targets.  We will unveil them to the school in two assemblies this week, and you are invited to attend if able.  The first assembly will be tomorrow, Tuesday, February 19 from 2 to 2:20pm, and the second will be Wednesday, February 20 from 8:40am to 9am.  The kids are very proud of their hard work, and I hope you are able to attend.

Thursday, January 31, 2013


Report cards will go home tomorrow, February 1.  Please contact me with any questions or concerns.  Thank you!

ECO REMINDER for Friday, February 1

This Friday, due to the projected cold, we will head outside after lunch and spend the afternoon at Harrison Field. A hot drink in a thermos is great to pack throughout the winter, and remember to also send your child with a water bottle.

Please send your child in clothing that will keep him/her comfortable outside on a cold day. This includes: comfortable winter boots with (preferably wool) socks, snow pants, a warm jacket, a hat, waterproof gloves or mittens. Hand warmers and long underwear are also helpful in keeping warm. We are in for a very cold outing so let's be over-prepared! Your child can always leave extra layers in his/her bag when not needed.

-Wendy McGuiggan-

Thursday, January 17, 2013

ECO cancelled tomorrow

We will not have ECO tomorrow (1/18/13).  The next ECO date is February 1st.  Families are welcome to join us! 

-Thank you

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Volunteers Welcome

We would not be successful with our snowball project without volunteers.  Thank you to those who have come in to help out.  If you would like to and are able to come in to help, we will be working on our targets from 10:30-11 and 12:00-1:00 today (Wednesday) and from 12:00-1:00 for the rest of the week.  We can always use an extra hand and some experienced advice.

Thank you!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Snowball Project

We are working hard on our snowball target designs.  Today we wrestled with lots of design and planning questions, such as:

How can we attach bike gears, chains, and a crank to create a moving target?
How can we prevent the wood from rotting and metal from rusting?
What will work better, screws or nails?
How can we build targets that are removable?
How can we improve the stability of targets in our designs?
How can we paint designs that include all members of our school community?
How can we improve safety for all?
How can we use triangles in our designs?

We worked hard answering those questions and more.  We also selected scraps of wood to use for each of the three projects.  We were lucky to receive help from our head of maintenance Todd Keller,  a community member/ UES parent,  and from a UES grandfather.  Tomorrow, Grandpa Bob will help us continue the project. 

I am very impressed with the students' ideas, cooperation, and dedication as they work on this project.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Service Learning and Snowballs

We had a great first day back!  As a class, we have decided to take on a project to improve the playground for all.  Currently, there is a section of the hill designated for throwing snowballs, but some problems have emerged as it is not engaging for some to throw snow at a hill.

The class is applying the engineering design process to come up with a solution.  Today we worked on ASK:  What is the problem?  What are the constraints? and also IMAGINE: brainstorm ideas.  Tomorrow we will choose the most practical ideas out of the many that came up, and PLAN.  Later this week and next week we will CREATE and IMPROVE when needed.

Our imaginative group of engineers is eagerly working on finding a solution to benefit the whole school!

ECO REMINDER for Friday, January 4

This Friday, due to the projected cold temperatures, we will head outside after lunch and spend the afternoon at Harrison Field.  A hot drink in a thermos is great to pack throughout the winter, and remember to also send your child with a water bottle.

Please send your child in clothing that will keep him/her comfortable outside on a cold day. This includes: comfortable winter boots with (preferably wool) socks, snow pants, a warm jacket, a hat, waterproof gloves or mittens. Hand warmers and long underwear are also helpful in keeping warm. We are in for a very cold outing so let's be over-prepared! Your child can always leave extra layers in his/her bag when not needed.

-Wendy McGuiggan-