Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Family Interviews: Storykeepers

As part of the Storykeepers project, students should interview a family member about the person who they're researching.  It may be the person, or a person who has knowledge of the person that he/ she is learning about.  Here is the link to a video we watched about HOW to interview a family member: http://www.readwritethink.org/parent-afterschool-resources/tips-howtos/video/helping-teen-plan-conduct-30113.html.  Students will bring home a list of possible interview questions that they may ask in addition to those that are specific to the family.  Please help your child record interview information.

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Reminder: Field Trip Tomorrow

Tomorrow morning (3/19), we will walk to the Vermont History Museum.  Please make sure that your child is on time and prepared to walk as we will leave at 9:00am.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Almost Pi Day

Tomorrow the kids will learn about Pi in math class while enjoying some Pie.  Mrs. Parker is looking for a few more pies for the occassion.  It's VERY short notice, but if able, please bring in a pie to share tomorrow, Friday March 13th.


Important Upcoming Events

After a long hiatus, we will have ECO once again this coming Monday (3/16). Though temperatures are warming up, your child will still need to come prepared with all of his/her winter gear including: boots, snowpants, jacket, gloves or mittens, and a hat. We will take the Montpelier Circulator bus after 10:30am to North Branch Nature Center to learn about traditional maple syrup production methods in Vermont. We will eat lunch at the Nature Center, so please make sure that your child packs a lunch, water, and snacks unless he/she is getting school lunch. Please make sure that your child has everything needed on Monday.

Also, next week we will take a walking field trip to the Vermont History Museum on State Street. On Thursday, March 19th at 9:00am we will head over to the museum to learn about Abenaki daily life before European contact. Chaperones are encouraged to attend. Please email me (wendym@mpsvt.org) or call (225-8238) if you are interested in attending and helping.

Finally, due to parent-teacher-student conferences on Friday, March 20th there is no school. Please remember to bring your child to the conference, as they are student-led to showcase your child's learning.

Thank you for taking the time to read about these important upcoming events.

-Wendy McGuiggan

Monday, March 9, 2015

Abenaki Project

Our class is learning about early Vermonters, the Abenaki.  Students are learning about and demonstrating an understanding of Abenaki daily life in Vermont before European contact.  Ask your child how he/she is creating a representation of daily life that includes examples of interdependence, how the environment and natural resources affected life, and artifacts of history.  This project is due on April 7th.